Wednesday, January 23, 2013


Heartburn, while not serious, is painful.  In pregnancy, we are more suceptible to a hearburn attack due to an increase in certain hormones (like progesterone) slowing down the gatroiontetaila tract. Fortunatley, there are several home and pharmactolic remedies to this conundrum. 

  • Avoid large meals
  • Eat smaller portions more frequently
  • Eliminate foods that are triggers
  • Don't eat 1-3 hours before reclining
  • Sleep at a 35-45 degree angle
  • Avoids spicy foods, fried foods, rich foods, fatty foods, caffeine and carbonate drinks
  • Avoid tight clothing around the waist
Home Remedies
  • Apples. Eat an apple (it's true an apple a day . . .)
  • Baking soda. 1 teaspoon with a glass of water
  • Green tea.  This tea coats the esophageous and can decrease heartburn symptom
  • Aloe. Drink Aloe juice before meals
Pharmacologic Remedies
*Before taking any medications during pregnancy always consult your health care provider.

  • Tums. Tums can be a pregnant gals best friend. Never leave home without them
  • Rolaids. Calcium with added magnesum
  • Pepcid
  • Prevacid
  • Some of these medications may interfere with other medications or vitamins. They may also not be recommended for various pregnancy situations. Always consult your provider. 
I had once a pain in the chestal area. Now, I was sure it was heartburn, y'know, cause at that time I was married and my wife cooking with her Nazi recipes, y'know, chicken Himmler. I didn't wanna pay 25 bucks to have it reaffirmed by some medic, that I had heartburn. But I was worried 'cause it was in the chestal area. Then it turns out my friend, Eggs Benedict, has a pain in his chestal area, in the same exact spot. I figured if I could get Eggs to go to the doctor, I could figure out what was wrong with me, at no charge, so I con Eggs. He goes. Turns out he's got heartburn. Cost him 25 dollars, and I feel great, cause I figured I beat the medic out of 25 big ones, y'know. Called up Eggs two days later... He died. I check into a hospital immediately, have a battery of test run... x-rays. Turns out I got heartburn. Cost me a 110 dollars. Now I'm furious. I run to Eggs' mother, and I say "Did he suffer much?" And she said: "No, it was quick. Car hit him and that was it.  
- From Eggs Benedict by Woody Allen (1968)

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