1) Wash you hands
2) Take 1000 - 2000 mg of vitamin C a day during the winter. Foods high in viamin C include:
- Fruits: lemons, limes, oranges, guava, kiwi, canteloupe, grapefruit, strawberries
- Vegetables, red, yellow, & green peppers, brussel sprouts
- Oysters
- Wheat germ
- Pumpkin seeds
- Watermelon seeds
- Dark chocolate
5) Garlic. Garlic is a potent anitviral and antibacterial agent. Great for fighting colds and the flu.
7) Drink plenty of fluids: Drinking ample water and fluids helps the body to process toxins. Healthy fluids include, coconut water, mangosteen, noni, goji, aloe vera, and acai berry juices.
8) Did I mention: Wash you hands
9) Elderberry extract. This is one the best kept secrects. It's like taking tamiflu when you feel sick. Does wonders!
9) Get the flu shot.
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