Monday, February 25, 2013

Tips to prevent an Unnecessary Cesarean

While labor and birth can be quite extraordinary and even more unpredictable, there are some things a gal can do help prevent an unnecessary cesarean.

  • Find an honest provider. Get with a provider who isn't going to unnecessarily induce you or perform any unnecessary medical interventions for their own convenience or because they lack  patience.
  • Exercise. Exercise is such an under utilized tool in pregnancy and birth. Good exercise helps to promote circulation during pregnancy. It helps to prevent excessive weight gain in the mother and in the baby. It also helps to ripen the cervix when done consistently throughout pregnancy.
  • Avoid excess sugar and white flour. Sugar and white flour have what non-nutritive calories commonly known as "empty calories." These are calories that will satiate an appetite, but they will not contribute to nutrition or health.
  • Await spontaneous labor. Whenever possible avoid an induction, especially if the cervix is not favorable for induction. Great ways to promote spontaneous labor include: sexual intercourse, stripping the membranes, exercise, and acupuncture.
  • Be confident and stay positive. Trust in your body's ability to birth and in your ability to labor brilliantly.
  • Work with a birth companion. Birth companions, doulas, and labor coaches are great support during labor and can a be a great advocate when the time comes to birth. They can also delay use of medication for pain, which may increase the need for medical intervention. 

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