Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Natural Hospital Birth

At the risk of being a groupie, I just have to mention how excited I am by Cynthia Gabriel's book Natural Hospital Birth, The Best of Both Worlds.
In America, we are so unindated with compromise and moderation.  We have business class, crossover SUVs, and 2% milk, but when it comes to birth we have been black and white for a long time,  Cynthia's book, however,  is an anthem to the 50 Shades of Grey natural hospital birth allows us.
Natural Hospital Birth: The Best of Both Worlds (Non)
I'm elated that this middle of the road option is also being applied to the birthing room.  I mean, where would America be without the middle class? Women no longer have to choose between the two extremes of home birth or overly defensive hospital birth, armed only with a birth plan and a semi-supportive, annoyed practioner.  We are seeing all types of women, providers, and births in the hosptial setting. It's darn well about time!

Amazon link to the book

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