Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Headaches in Pregnancy

Headaches in pregnancy are common and can happen at any stage. They do tend to be more common in the first trimester, up to 20 weeks. Here is a great overview of headaches in pregnancy.

What causes them?
Hormonal changes
Nasal congestion
Hunger (low blood sugar)
Lack of sleep
Food triggers
Stress & anxiety
Caffeine withdrawal
TMJ or Jaw tension

What to do about them?
Avoid triggers such as MSG and artificial sweeteners
Teas, coffee, wine and nuts have tannic acid which trigger headaches
Aged cheeses and added nitrites to meats can be triggers
Stay hydrated with lemon water
Talk a warm shower
Place a hot compress on the temples or over the eyes
Take a warm bath
Exercise to increase circulation
Drink a caffeinated beverage 
For congestion try inhaling steam or a warm compress over the sinuses
For tension, anxiety or stress get a massage
Wear a mouth guard at night
Consider acupuncture or acupressure
  The vitamin supplement magnesium has been associated with lower headaches in pregnancy*
Tylenol, as recommended on the bottle, is safe for most pregnancies*


*You should always discuss your pregnancy symptoms with your provider at each visit, including headaches.  Any severe headache, blurry vision, or floaters should be reported to your provider right away. Always consult your provider before taking any medications, supplements, or herbs in pregnancy.

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