Easily said and less easily done. A good way to simplify is to sometimes go for less instead of more. Sometimes a few white roses makes such a better statement than an entire bouquet. When cooking sometimes a dish with less ingredients can be tastier and easier than a smorgasbord of items in one dish. A lot of times we can spend hours on something for someone else, when all they really needed was a few minutes. Another way is have others help you out. As a co-worker to pick something up for you at the store, or fax a letter while they are already standing at the fax.
A good tip is to ask yourself:
- Do I need to purchase that?
- Do I need to go there?
- Do I need to keep this?
- Do I need to do this?
- Can this be done easier, in less time, in other way?
- Can someone else do this instead?
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