Friday, November 8, 2013

Fertility Friday: Carbohydrates

As we learn more about how our bodies work, we are learning more about how carbohydrates effect our metabolism and hormones. Carbohydrates, once ingested, become glucose (sugar). Some carbohydrates are digested very quickly and turn to sugar quickly. Other carbohydrates have a slow burn and take longer to turn to sugar in the system. These slowing burning carbohydrates are a better choice to keep hormone levels under control. Glucose peaks effect insulin (a hormone) which effects sex hormones. Think of the metabolism like wood burning furnace. We want to keep the fire going all day, without having to stoke it too much and without letting it go out. Carbohydrates that are slow burners are ones that have a low glycemic index. Low glycemic index carbs include:
  • Beans: white, black, kidney, lentil
  • Soy beans
  • Nuts, almonds, walnuts
  • Small seeds like anything smaller than a pumpkin seed
  • Intact grains like spelt, kamut, wheat, oat, rye, rice, barley
  • Large pitted fruits like peaches, mangos, avocados, and strawberries

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