There are several theories about how to increase breast milk production. What breastfeeding really comes down to is: supply and demand. Breastfeeding is generally a supply and demand situation.
The more demand there is on the breast for milk either from a little babe or a pump, there more milk will be made. Women's bodies are capable of adapting to a newborns desire for an adequate milk supply. Only very few and rare circumstances with prevent a woman from being able to make enough breast milk for her babe. There are some women who are very gifted and are able to make enough milk without even batting an eyelash, and there are other women, myself included, that have to struggle to keep the milk supply flowing.
Here are tips for keeping increasing lactation
2) Pump in between feedings: Start pumping 1 hour after the morning feeding, when milk supply is at it's peak. Then gradually increase it to three times a day. It's usually best to pump 45 min - 1 hour after emptying a breast at a feeding.
3) Keep stocked: Have plenty of breast pump supplies, bottles, or breastmilk bags clean and ready. The last thing you want to keep you from pumping is having to continually clean breast pumping supplies. Having a good stock and washing them all at once, makes the pumping process easier
4) Get a good electric pump: Advent, Medela and Playtex all make great electric pumps. It is pointless to waste precious time pumping on a hand or manual pump.
5) Fenugreek - fenugreek is an herb that will increase milk supply. It comes in teas, pills and powder forms.
7) Use heat: After a hot shower or after heat packs are applied to a breast, the will have more milk due to the increased circulation. Take advanteage of a hot shower or apply a heat pad before pumping or feeding.
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