Here are a few stretches and exercises that are great to get the body ready for labor.
Squatting is great for stretching the perinal muscles (the muscles used when giving birth). It aids in increased flexibility during labor and delivery. Squats should be started as early in the pregnancy as desired and at least by 36 weeks to have the maximum impact during labor.
Kegel Exercises

Kegels or the squeezing and strengthening of the muscles inside the vaginal are also great to help strengthen in vaginal vault and can make for a decreased second stage (pushing stage) or labor.
Tailor sitting, cross-legged sitting or a butterfly position
Each of these types of stretches also stretch the pelvic area and aid in flexibility during labor and delivery. They should be done with caution and ease because due to hormonal changes, it's easy for a pregnant woman to over stretch ligaments connected to the pelvis in pregnancy.
Weekly Exercise
Women should do 150 minutes of moderate physical activity a week, either brisky walking, jogging, spinning, swimming, or exercises like these to promote circulation, decrease swelling and warm off complications like preeclampsia, diabetes in pregnancy and a large (macrosomic) infant.
Daily Exercise - 30 min a day - of low intensity steady state activity is one of the most important steps a woman can take to ensuring a healthy pregnancy, avoid going overdue, and decrease the need to be induced.