Friday, November 4, 2011

Autism now linked to low birth weight preterm infants

We know autism is on the rise, but what is the clinical evidence saying about actual risk factors or causes?  There have been speculations from pitocin used in the delivery room to the caseins in milk, but a team of researchs have something impressive to report.

A recent study, published in Pediatrics (the official journal of the American Academy of Pediatrics AAP) reports the prevelance of autism spectrum discorders (ASD) is 5 times higher in low birth weight, preterm infants than in the general popluation. The study tracked 862 infants over 21 years. They found that infants with a birth weight less than 4 lbs 6 oz had a 5% prevelance of autism spectrum disorders compared with 1% in the general popluation.